
Favorite Christmas Quotes

 It's Christmas time once again! As usual, there are a lot of dazzling and colorful Christmas adornments visibly shown everywhere. The beautiful sights coupled with the spirit of Christmas had inspired me to share the joyous seasons of the year here on my blog.

I want this page filled with colors and cheers. So I created these vibrant Christmas cards with some of my favorite Christmas quotes written on them, to greet everyone passing by a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2013!

I hope you like it.

Do you really need a friend?

Do you need a friend? A confidante and somebody to hang out with? It turns out most of us do. According to a study, we have fewer real friends today compared to that of our parents when they were our age. Thus, there are times when we have no one to turn to in tough times or to unburden our inmost feelings with when we are downhearted. 

What is the possible cause of this present circumstance?  Most people would say that good friends are hard to come by and when they do “people simply lack of time to cultivate and maintain strong friendships." Though we may have hundreds of online friends, only a few are true friends whom we are willing to share our most personal thoughts and feelings.  

In my case, I grew up moving around from place to place. Even after I got married my family moves back and forth from the US to the Philippines every few years. Thus, my life circumstances have caused relationships with friends to drift apart and  meeting new people that have the same values as mine becomes a challenge.

So, nowadays I rely on my family as my friends. My husband, my son and my sister are my true friends and I am happy and content with that. Though, I am also open on having an outside friend, that is when the right one comes along.

So, to those who are like me who do not have loads of friends. Don't worry because studies have shown that as long as you have someone you can talk to openly and pour your hearts out with, it could be your husband, wife, sibling or a friend, you’re still making that healthy social and emotional connection. And the great thing about having family members as friends is that they are lifetime friends.

Also new research shows that having too many friends may not be healthy, particularly among older women. The reasoning behind that is, women are more likely to be the caretakers in relationships which can be stressful and demanding.

However, if you are in the process of acquiring new friends, read  this article "Seven Friends That You Need In Your Life". It's all about friendship and the different roles that friends play in our lives.

Manny Pacquiao: A True Inspiration To All


The saga continues as they say… Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez will be meeting again today for the fourth and possibly the last time.

My American husband is a fan of Manny Pacquiao and never misses one of his fights. As always he’s the only American spectator in a huge Filipino crowd and the only person who stands up and put his hand over the heart when the Spangled Banner is being played. One time, a local newspaper writer noticed, took his pictures. The next thing we knew my husband was on the front page of the local newspaper.

Today, my husband will definitely be in the midst of Filipino crowd cheering for Manny one more time. He asked me to go along but I declined as I am not a fan of boxing.

Anyways back to Manny, as today’s one of the world’s greatest boxers, a lot of people are very interested to know what his formula for success is.

Nowadays, many dreamers look up to Manny as their role model. He is not just an inspiration to the new and upcoming boxers but also to others who are engaged in different fields of endeavor. He showed everyone that success can be achieved by anyone in spite of adversities in life. Thus, if you posses the same traits and virtues as Manny, you will have a better chance to get to the place where you want to be.

According to Manny Pacquiao, “Anyone will succeed in whatever field of endeavor in life by acquiring  the same virtues and character that boxing world champions do – dedication, perseverance, courage, extreme self-discipline and prayers”.

Good Luck and God Bless Manny Pacquiao and to all dreamers out there!

photo credit:

Wedding Rings: A Heartbreaking Day

A wedding ring is a gift and a promise of eternal love and fidelity.

So, as a wife how would you feel if suddenly your husband announces that he lost his wedding ring? My hubby just did that this morning. He said he wasn’t aware how it happened and when and where. He just noticed that it’s gone. We looked hard for it all over the house but to no avail. Our best guess is that it slipped off his finger unknowingly somewhere during one of his travels. The ring was a little loose as he lost some weight lately.

Losing a wedding ring is a sad and heartbreaking experience in life. However it is not unusual incidence, a lot of people lose their wedding rings after years, months, days or even after few hours of marriage. To ease the sadness and guilt, most couples will get a replacement and make the day special by going out to a romantic dinner, a nice trip, renewing their vows, etc. Then everyone will move on.

However for my husband and I, a replacement is not the same. The original wedding ring had tremendous sentimental value attached to it already. It’s part of our history.  It can never be replaced. We’ve been married for 22 years now. All those years we’ve never taken them off except on a very few occasions like when polishing them once a year and other rare instances were you have to remove it temporarily for safety reasons.

Even if I still have my wedding ring and I’m still wearing it, I can’t help not to feel sad thinking of the lost ring on which my name and our wedding date was engraved onto it. Every time I look at my wedding ring it feels strange. I feel like something has changed forever. It’s hard to describe my feelings. Sometimes I think to just take it off and put it somewhere safe so I won’t keep thinking of the lost one.

Then I remember that three years from now will be our silver wedding anniversary. That would be a perfect occasion to give each other a silver anniversary ring.

By having something to look forward to, would help ease the sadness. As others would say, what you've lose is just a material thing.

So how would you feel if this happen to you? What would be your reaction? How would you ease the sadness?