Nowadays, life becomes complicated as our fascination of modern technology also intensified. Without thinking, these innovations affect our lives and we are vulnerable to becoming too dependent on them. Today, we are captivated by the various brands of impressive looking high-tech machines presented to us (take your pick). They are capable of taking us to the World Wide Web and a completely new way of entertaining. Thus, the cyber reality becomes our latest playground.
In this day and age, we have a tendency to ignore our family and friends because we are always busy with our new leisure pursuit. What surprises me though is that no one seems to care about the lack of time for each other. Everyone has his or her own thing to do. It is as if you do what pleases you and I’ll do mine.
Technology today is so widespread and addictive and we are paying the price. We have less and less time with each other. Sometimes, I feel like my family has left me, though they are here living with me under the same roof. With the use of a wi-fi router device in our home, every family member can be online simultaneously. Our relatives and friends live just few blocks from us but we do not see each other eye to eye anymore. It does not mean we are mad with each other. We just don’t have time anymore like we used to.
It seems human bonding is becoming less relevant these days. The old things that a family used to enjoy doing together are now boring and obsolete. We lost our family value. We became robots. New technology lures us to become one. Modern devices became the love of our lives. We get upset when somebody is disturbing us while we are playing a computer game, when we are watching and listening to a crucial dialogue of our favorite cable TV show and when we are so absorbed commenting on our favorite forum. We don’t want to be bothered when we are checking what our friends are up to on Facebook and other social networks we’ve joined.
Every few months, a new electronic gadget comes out on the market, an upgrade to the previous ones, with some additional features that are far more exciting. This means more advanced tech and more time required enjoying it. We save our money religiously so we can acquire our latest fix as soon as possible because our friend or a neighbor has the newest iwhatever already. Most of us stop doing the things that we used to enjoy, like hanging out with friends or doing enjoyable activities with family, hoping to save money as fast as possible. Anticipating and researching on the net what to expect about the next new coolest gadget becomes a routine. Well, there are some positive aspects about it. We learned to save, to anticipate on better things, how to be patient and we learn to have fun without relying on our family and friends.
Well, I’m rambling here… maybe I am exaggerating, but I can see that the future is heading towards this direction if we don’t moderate our wants on technology. I am not really against modern technology. In fact, I love my computer at home. I love the good things technology has to offer: the quick access to information, communicating with love ones who live far away is easier, finding old friends and making new friends are exciting, blogging is fun and most importantly, technology saves lives. What I don’t like about it is our lack of self-control over these things. We lost our sense of balance of what’s important to us. Our being overly involved on the internet and our becoming materialistic are apparent. Most of all, we should not stop creating joyful memories with family and friends. We should not forget the old traditional way of family bonding.
What do you think? How does technology affect your lives? Is it a blessing or a curse?
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