I am a wannabe writer. This is one of the reasons why I blog. I know, I still need to improve my writing skills in many ways. I am really working hard on it. In recent time, I asked someone I knew to proofread my blog, after he went through it he told me sarcastically - “why not blog in your own native tongue.” Ouch, it hurts. I know his comment was not meant to insult but simply wants to save me from a big disappointment in the end. As we oftentimes read or heard that to become a great writer, you should start reading and writing at a tender age. A middle age person like me, who barely started to embark on a journey of writing, maybe is wasting time on a futile endeavor. I really hope not!
Margaret Mead once said, “Learning to write takes time and effort, but it can be done”.
This quotation has been my inspiration. It gives me new optimism to pursue my goal. I can be a very persistent person, when I really want to achieve something, I strive harder. That’s my good quality, I guess. To achieve my goal, I realized that I need to start reading… I mean really reading a lot! Though I encountered a lot of bickering in the blogosphere about this issue, I still believe that reading is a key to a good writing.
It helps you find your own voice and besides it helps increase your general knowledge. When I became a wife and mother, I put the fun of reading on the back burner. My family became my priority, now that my son is grown-up and my husband now retired. I have plenty of free time, so I am doing a lot of catching up in terms of reading and building up my vocabulary anew.
This quotation has been my inspiration. It gives me new optimism to pursue my goal. I can be a very persistent person, when I really want to achieve something, I strive harder. That’s my good quality, I guess. To achieve my goal, I realized that I need to start reading… I mean really reading a lot! Though I encountered a lot of bickering in the blogosphere about this issue, I still believe that reading is a key to a good writing.
It helps you find your own voice and besides it helps increase your general knowledge. When I became a wife and mother, I put the fun of reading on the back burner. My family became my priority, now that my son is grown-up and my husband now retired. I have plenty of free time, so I am doing a lot of catching up in terms of reading and building up my vocabulary anew.
Read, read, read… Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! - William Faulkner
If you do not have time to read, you do not have time to write. - Stephen King
Blogging opens a new door for us who are frustrated writers. It is a learning ground, where we can practice and grow as hopeful writers. Our blogs can be an inspiration especially if we see signs of progress in our writing efforts. I was stunned when I wrote the first post of my blog. I realized that I did not know how to write anymore. I was struggling to come up with few sentences.
However, with persistence, I was able to scribble two short paragraphs and that became an introduction to my blog, "Homebody Mom". I consider it as a small step towards success.
However, with persistence, I was able to scribble two short paragraphs and that became an introduction to my blog, "Homebody Mom". I consider it as a small step towards success.
So what are you waiting for wannabe writers? Start blogging now!
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