She used to be my friend but we had lost contact after she swindled me some years ago. I was deeply saddened and upset because I was nice to her and helped her financially many times during her needs. I could not believe that she would stab me in the back after all the good things I’ve done for her.
What really hurts the most wasn’t the money that I’d lost but the trust, the friendship and the thought that I was so gullible for believing her words.
The way she did it was so tricky; it’s like a work of art for a professional con artist. To think of it she was barely in her twenties. However I did move on quickly and I tried to forget everything as if it never happened because I don’t really want to live with anger in my heart.
What really hurts the most wasn’t the money that I’d lost but the trust, the friendship and the thought that I was so gullible for believing her words.
The way she did it was so tricky; it’s like a work of art for a professional con artist. To think of it she was barely in her twenties. However I did move on quickly and I tried to forget everything as if it never happened because I don’t really want to live with anger in my heart.
Until one day, after seven years she found me on Facebook; she left a message saying she was glad to find me and she acknowledged what she did in the past and wants to meet me when she comes home for vacation this year. She didn’t say that she would pay me back but it seemed that’s what she was trying to imply. I was surprised she looks better now, far from that frail and skinny girl that I used to know. She got married to an American and now lives and works in America, drives her own car and dresses up well with matching expensive jewelry.
I want to give her a second chance because sometimes people change especially when a person matures and gains wisdom through life experiences. Her words were apologetic and seemed sincere, but duh, con-artists have gift of the gab. That’s how they victimized their prey, their words sound so believable.
Anyway, in July she left a message in my inbox again saying she wants to see me and she will arrive in the Philippines in August for sure. I told her “okay, just let me know, and I am excited to see the new you.” August and September came and gone, never heard from her, just found out she’s now back in America after a month vacation in the Philippines. She posted pictures from her vacation on her Facebook wall. I was astounded. What was she thinking? Didn’t she know that I will see her pictures? Were her words meaningless after all?
She could at least send me some lame excuses why she won’t be able to meet me this time around just to show a little respect. Then I can give her the benefit of the doubt. But probably she had no intention of seeing me again anyway. Maybe her intention of contacting me was to display her life status now, a way of saying look at me now. I could be wrong but she left me with nothing but to speculate. I wish she did not bother me in the first place for she just stirred up an old wound she had created in the past.
She did it again, she fooled me one more time and I hate myself for allowing it to happen again. I would never trust this person anymore, I’m done with her. I might as well unfriend her in Facebook also. All I can do now is to vent through written words, my way of letting go of the hurt feelings. After this I will move forward and forget that this event had ever happened.
Let go and let God!
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