In an instant my mood brightens up, as my eyes were feasting on this wonderful gift of nature. I realized it had been so long since the last time I’ve seen a rainbow in the sky. Certainly rainbows show up occasionally when the key elements are there, the raindrops and the sun. But then again, we spend so much time indoors nowadays that we oftentimes overlook to see the beautiful things taking place outdoors.
After a few seconds of admiring the colorful rainbow, I quickly ran inside the house and grabbed my camera phone and hurried back out to take few snapshots of my treat of the day. At that point I thought I should go outside the gate to get a good view, but before I was able to position myself for a better shot, the rainbow went away. How I wish I had a better camera at that moment to really capture its beautiful colors.
Earlier that day, I was feeling a bit down and discouraged. I was contemplating on giving up my goal in writing again for the nth time. The feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt always get me down. Lately, I’ve also been missing my dad and my brother who are no longer with us. If they were still here, I know that they will always show their approval and encouragement of my endeavors.
While writing this post, I recalled that yesterday was the anniversary of my mom’s passing. Thus, thoughts came to mind that maybe my three guardian angels sent smiles from heaven through a rainbow to cheer me up and to say, "Don’t give up on your dreams!"
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