
A Long Lost Friend

My college life was full of fun and happy memories. I made many friends and one of them became really special to me, her name was Mary. Mary and I were best of friends and almost like sisters. For four years we’re always there for each other not only during happy times but on sad times as well.  I treasured our friendship so much that I even wrote a poem for her. After our graduation, we went on our separate ways. We hugged and cried but before we said goodbye we promised each other that one day we will meet again. I had to move to another town, while she stayed.

The separation was hard for me I cried almost every night for a week. Though we wrote each other a letter once in a while, I still missed her presence. I had a hard time adjusting in a new town especially in making new friends; probably because I kept comparing her to the new friends I met along the way. Meanwhile, I heard some news from a mutual friend that she moved away because of a family crisis. Something happened to her family that cause them to feel humiliated and decided to leave town to start a new life. I wrote her a letter expressing my concern and she replied but her words were not the words I expected to hear. Mary wrote “I am not worthy to be your friend anymore, just forget that we were once friends!” I was shocked; I really didn’t understand why she felt that way because our friendship was totally a separate thing from her family issue.  I replied back, “we made mistakes because we are not perfect and no one is, except God. What matters most is I care for you as a friend and I will pray for you to get through these trying times.” She didn’t reply and I never heard from her again.

Through the years I still think of her and wondering what happened to her. So when social networks became popular like friendster, myspace and facebook I started searching for her online. Just recently, I found her on facebook. She had just opened an account, I was so excited. I clicked her profile picture to make sure it was really her, then right away I sent a message to her inbox and invited her to be my friend, but I guess her decision twenty-five years ago was already final. I got rejected on my friend request and I didn’t get any reply on my message. I felt sad, I thought after all those years she would have a change of heart, but I was wrong. Whatever she went through in the past, she has the right to choose a way to heal her pain if dumping me was part of the healing process so be it. I would never be mad at her or hurt by her decision. Mary was there for me when I needed a good friend. She did a good job as my best friend for four years and that was enough for me.  She was there for me when I needed her the most.

Mary left foot prints in my heart for sure but her role in my life was done a long time ago... so it’s time to move on!

photo credit:  morgueFile

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